Sunday, 26 May 2013

watchman house in progress

 This is the shed we made for the workers to have their lunch and take some rest made with coconut leaves and bamboo
 The watchman house in progress
 philippe with benji watching the construction work
 The man with off white shirt is mr dhamodharan our manager of greenland project
 One year back we dig a open well which was filled with rain water now are planning to do side bore to catch watern from the side

 This is benji and jodhaa
 These are some fruit trees

Stack of mud for the project

Philippe and Dhamodharan counting the stack of mud

This is south Indian snacks mini idli and vada

Friday, 24 May 2013

worker in motion

A lady worker sieveing the sand 

A male worker its 45 degree 

these rocks are like hot coal .pls God bless them and always shower your grace

45 degree its impossible even to stand for five minute without any shade

when we started our open well one year back a big cobra came out from under the we had to call a snake catcher

Thursday, 23 May 2013


We have a Logo, Well... We needed an idea to symbolize our project so here it is, The Greenland Logo

45 Degrees Celsius

This is how we look under 45 degree Celsius in Tamil Nadu

The greenland team at work

The making of a watchman house

In no time we're starting a small house.

I few weeks, we'll be living in this first house of Greenland

View on the land with all its red mud load, delivered for the planned mud construction and more...

Digging foundation for the main house

Srenivasan from Thrissur in orange shirt is the Architect of the project

a Traditionnal Puja before the work

Solar Pump

A team from Sunlit Future Auroville came to the site to put a immersion solar pump. It all work in dc  directly powered by the panel. The system here is 8 panels of 250 watt for around 2000 watt.

Greenland under construction

Cleaning the land to start our Greenland project

Its was sad to see a dead snake which was killed by JCB while removing rocks

seaching for water

 We need water !!
So we are starting our borewell digging in the begining of the night.

It was very disappointing because the land  is very rocky. So we did 5 bore well .We had to bring a man from Bangalore to search for the points of  water  but  3 points failed and in the other 2 not much water but enough for now.