Sunday, 16 June 2013

scene of construction

 This is the view of holy mountian

 View of greenland from small rocky hill just near by
 village women working 
 this is one of the view
 some times we have beautiful sky

 Evening sun set
 holy mountian view from the other side

 Sadhaks dwelling foundation
 We are doing all our building using only mud and stones without any cement

 Philippe checking the dry pack  foundation
 The man with the white shirt is the main mason Mr Subo

 Theses are the Workers of greenland

 We have a small vinayaka statue under the neem tree

 Our new dog Nadia ,We adopt her from a  shelter in auroville
 We started to build a watchman house  but we are now planning to live here till our project is complete

Actually..Hmm...Why Greenland ?

I'm sure you noticed, if you went through the different posts, that our land look like any good, dry, rocky a bit unwelcoming piece of land. Well despite the few neem trees that look a bit lonely on this sandy place. Nothing looks very green ! Isn't it? So why this Greenland things we used for our, made to be, blissful place.

Well all comes back in Kodaikanal. A beautiful hilly station of South India where we settle Kiran, my wife and me, looking forward to the fresh air and luxurious trees that made this place so famous for. When a project of guest house came around we asked our beloved master Sathya Sai Baba, to bless us with a name for the coming project, he came to us through a psychic and named it Greenland.

Sathya Sai Baba In Kodaikanal

Well, that wasn't really what we were looking for. as Sai devotees we were hoping a kind of Sanskrit name which will enhance, we thought, the holy aura of our project.
Despite it, Greenland in Kodaikanal sounded right in place.

The view of Kodaikanal lake

Pillars Rock on the edge of beautifull cliff

A Shola tree

Nothing really worked in Kodaikanal as we thought, and finally few years later we arrived in Tiruvanamalai where we fell in love with our land. 

Our first view of Arunachala from the choosen land

Beautiful landscape

The nearby hill at in the south west side of the plot

Yes, some greenery

The car at the limit of the plot and the beautiful Arunachala

Arunachala from the north west border of the land 

North view of the plot with cowtai malai hill

There was some green, but as time passed we realized that it was mostly made of rock and sandy soil. Some thought certainly that we were fools to take such a difficult land.

But this time we had our project, and not to forget the blessing of our beloved master we kept Greenland as a token of his guidance.

so from Sandyland to Greenland, 
from Rockyland to Greenland, 
this is all about our story ....

is it not say in the Upanishad

Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya |

Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya |

Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya |

Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

Om, Lead us from Unreality (of Transitory Existence) to the Reality (of Self),

 Lead us from the Darkness (of Ignorance) to the Light (of Spiritual Knowledge),

 Lead us from the Fear of Death to the Knowledge of Immortality.

Om PeacePeacePeace.

Well Greenland may be also a story of transformation, from a land to our heart and soul...

And here may be all the mystery of a name given years back by a Master who knows it all..